Physiotherapy is the treatment of any disease; deformity or malfunctions, by distinct therapeutic measures like exercises, heat etc. and has, over the years, gained vast acceptance as a sophisticated and essential medical technology.
In short Physiotherapy is a broadened branch of modern science; novel in approach, grand in status and proven in its effectiveness which strives not only for the improved functional status of the patient but for his improved quality of life too. Following injury and periods of immobilisation, patients may be affected by muscle weakness and loss of function. Punya hospitals Provides Physiotherapy services in Bangalore with expert physiotherapist at our rehabilitation centre in Karnataka,India.
An essential aspect of physiotherapy treatment is rehabilitation, which may be required in order to re-educate a person to enable them to safely return to their normal life be it work ,sport.
The core skills used by physiotherapists include manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and the application of electro-physical modalities. Physiotherapists also have an appreciation of psychological, cultural and social factors which influence their clients.